As India seeks to expand its manufacturing and technological capability, critical minerals will become vital to fulfil this ambition.

About Critical Minerals

Importance of Critical Minerals

Reserves of Critical Minerals in India

Import Dependency of Critical Minerals

Government  Initiatives for Production of Critical Minerals

India’s Mineral Diplomacy Strategy

India is actively involved in building partnerships with resource rich countries to secure critical minerals.

About Minerals Security Partnership (MSP)It is a global initiative to bolster critical mineral supply chains also known as the critical minerals alliance.Establishment: The Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) was officially announced at the annual Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) convention in Toronto, Canada in June 2022.It is the largest mining event in the world. Founding Members: The United States, Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the European CommissionIndia joined the initiative in June of 2023  Aim: To accelerate the development of sustainable critical energy minerals supply chains via a public-private partnership to facilitate targeted financial and diplomatic support for strategic projects along the value chain. 
About KABILKABIL stands for Khanij Bidesh India Limited, a joint venture company that was formed to ensure a reliable supply of critical minerals to India. KABIL was incorporated in 2019 under the Companies Act of 2013. It is a joint venture between three government enterprises:National Aluminium Company Ltd. (NALCO), Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL), and Mineral Exploration & Consultancy Limited (MECL).

Challenges in India’s Mineral Diplomacy

Way forward


Mineral diplomacy is essential for India’s economic development and strategic autonomy. Addressing challenges related to private sector participation, diplomatic capacity, and sustainable partnerships is crucial for strengthening India’s mineral security efforts. With a comprehensive and forward-looking approach, India can achieve long-term self-reliance in critical minerals.

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